About the consultancy

Do you have a great idea for an educational package for your organisation, or the continuing professional development of your staff?

We can support you in your organisation’s educational activities through, for example: 

        • Articulating your organisation’s training needs
        • Writing curriculum by working alongside content experts in your organisation 
        • Considering accreditation needs for your learning packages
        • Developing and building online modules
        • Creating face-to-face learning activities
        • Blending offerings by combining both face-to-face and online components
        • Contemplating quality improvements to existing learning activities

We can also help you train your staff in facilitating your training, or be involved in training delivery if preferred.



Dr. Julie Willems holds qualifications in nursing, the Humanities, and education. She has been an educator for over 40 years, with strengths in:

  • Online and blended learning
  • Curriculum development
  • Continuing professional development
  • eLearning module development
  • Education research

In addition to various paid roles across the Australian education and professional sectors, Julie has served for three terms on the Executive of the Australasian Society of Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE – http://www.ascilite.org) (2015-2020), and prior to that, for two terms on the Executive of the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA - http://www.odlaa.org) (2011-2014).